Jobs That Allow You to Explore Your Local Area


Most of us tend to enjoy some kind of exploration in our lives; however, the extent to which that exploration extends tends to vary from person to person. While some are happy going to another country with no plans in place and only the clothes on their back and a bag full of items, others are happy to stay local and get to see what their local area has to offer. The fact is that a lot of the time, we can get so obsessed with travelling to other countries that we don’t take the time to truly look around what is right in front of us. This article will go into more detail about some of the best jobs that allow you to get out and explore your local community.


When you work as a teacher, there will be ample opportunities for you to get out into your community with the kids. This could be for a range of different reasons, either for school trips to learn about the history of their town or to take them to different music or sporting events. As such, you should try and get a teaching job in a town or city that you are excited about exploring more. For instance, for teaching jobs Exeter, you could always head over to Class People that have an ample range of opportunities for teachers in that area.

Working for the Local Council

If you manage to get a job in which you work for the local council, then you are going to be able to work closely with your entire community in order to ensure that everyone is happy. You will also be responsible for rectifying any issues there may be. In doing this, you will be able to find out about all of the different people who live and work within your area and are also going to be able to talk to locals and get to know what they do and what their businesses are. Before long, you will be deeply rooted in your community and not only have a good understanding of its present state but also be able to shape its future.

Work With a Local Paper

Similar to working for the local council, when you are working with your local paper you get the chance to work with lots of different people from your area and find out about who they are and what they do. You will also be giving back to your community by raising awareness for local issues and people you think deserve exposure. You are going to need to have good journalism skills to secure a job at your local paper, but if you submit a few articles for free, this could be a great way to get your foot in the door.


If you are looking for a job role that will allow you to get out into your local community and explore it more, there are plenty. Some of the most popular are those listed above, such as teachers, working for the local council, and writing for the local paper.