Key Features of HR Software Programs


The human resource department of any company is responsible for making sure that all employees working in the organization are aware of their responsibilities, and if there are any problems, they should be cleared out as quickly as possible. The roles of a human resource manager are incredibly diverse. The human resource manager is responsible for hosting interviews, managing potential hires, and then discussing the salaries with them. Once an employee is hired, human resource managers also have to worry about the existing workforce. In case there’s a conflict, the HR managers are responsible for making sure that the problem is resolved on time. Here are some key features of HR software programs that you should know about.

Employee Management

One of the key features that your HR software program has to have is employee management. If your company is based in Thailand, you will want to know as many details about your employees as possible. It’s vitally important that you choose a suitable HR software in Thailand so that you can handle all important details associated with your employees. You have to make sure that you compare the key features of different programs before making a decision. Think of it as a database for maintaining all of the details associated with your employees, such as their addresses, personal contact details, date of hire, and any other relevant details.

User Friendly Design

Another key feature that you will find in most HR software programs is a very user-friendly design. You need to make sure that the design of the program is easy to check and navigate around. If the design of the program is not user friendly, your average employee might not be able to use it properly. Therefore, it must have a user-friendly design so that every other employee is able to take advantage of the program.

Cloud Based

Instead of keeping the data confined to a server, it’s recommended that you base your entire HR software program on the cloud. This will make it completely accessible for any employee anywhere in the world. All they need is a device with an internet connection to access their details. Cloud based HR programs adapt quickly and are a great choice all around. It’s an excellent option for individuals who are working remotely and want to know about their salary details or any other details.

Attendance Tracking

A common feature of the HR software program is that it should allow attendance tracking and should adjust the salaries accordingly. The program should be set up accordingly to ensure that company protocols are being followed. If a person takes a day off, they should be marked as absent. The program will pair with your attendance tracking tool, so it’s recommended that you connect everything together.

These are just a few key features that you should expect from a reliable HR software program. Make sure you buy a program that’s suitable and easy to use for your employees.