How Can You Gain Organic Traffic from Instagram


Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms. It’s not only useful to individuals wishing to share their life experiences but also invaluable to businesses wishing to sell their products and services.

With over 800 million users (the number rises by the day) and high engagement rates, Instagram could be a bed of fortune for your repair cell phone Toronto store. Instagram is also a great social media platform for your business since more than 80 percent of its users follow businesses. With all the sales you can get from sharing high-quality images and videos, Instagram is your greatest asset.

To make the most out of the platform organically, here are some tips.

  1. Be consistent

To gain organic traffic, you might want to post content at least once every day. Frequent posting increases your engagement rates, and it also boosts your follower growth. You are likely to gain more followers and likes by posting frequently. So, attempt to post at least 7 times in a week if you want to keep followers and to attract more.

Note that it is easy to gain more than double the number of followers you have currently if you post daily. However, do not post poor-quality content if you are looking for organic traffic that converts leads to buyers.

  1. Use hashtags

And, not just any hashtag, but studied and high-quality hashtags. You need to incorporate the right hashtag into your content and, also include your location tag.

Hashtags and location tags increase your audience, and it will reach a larger percentage of your targeted audience.

Noting that Instagram lets you follow a hashtag, optimizing them could be your ticket to a fast-growing following and engagement on the site.

That’s not all: you also need to be careful about the number of hashtags you use. Though the site lets you use up to 30 hashtags, you shouldn’t exceed 9 for peak engagement. To be on the right path, use the free Instagram tools like AutoHash for the best and the most relevant hashtags.

  1. Add links to your bio

Haven’t you seen your competitors adding ‘Click the Link in Bio’ in their shared content? And, aren’t they performing better than you are? Well, this CTA is one of the most effective strategies for driving content to your website from Instagram. Don’t forget to update your bio information regularly.

  1. Use more videos, Instagram stories, and live videos

Besides photos, you can boost your engagement by posting more compelling videos, sharing live content, and sharing your Insta-stories.

Content diversification is crucial with videos reported to have higher engagement rates that photos. Also, your followers will see your live videos on their feed as soon as they log in, and the platform reports at least 250 million Instagram Stories daily.

  1. Incorporate user-generated content

To grow the number of followers and to increase your engagement, you should share user-generated content. What this means is that you should find the best content on the internet and then share the content or feature it on your site. For this to work, you have to give credit to the creators of the content.

  1. Run ad campaigns

Since the ads running on Instagram are clickable, you can use them to drive traffic. Using the ads, you can direct your followers to your website using CTAs like Learn More or Buy Now.

While running campaigns, tag your products. You can do that on Instagram by adding the link to the product to the product description. This increases engagement and sales.

Other tips

  1. Collaborate with other sellers to provide value to your audiences and to reach a new audience.
  2. Identify and post at your best time
  3. Use Instagram analytics to track your performance
  4. Post across social media platforms. Cross-posting between Instagram and Facebook works well.
  5. Lastly, always engage your followers and fans.